April 11, 2010

Scott Riggs: the deciding figure in Phoenix

I thoroughly enjoyed the finish to last night's Subway Fresh Fit 600 in Phoenix. Kyle Busch was three laps away from victory, cruising far in front of second-place Jimmie Johnson and the rest of the field and on his way to victory. All he needed was for cars well behind him to get out of his way and all of them were doing exactly that.

Scott Riggs included. With Kyle pushing on him, Riggs tried to slide up the track and out of the 18's way. In doing so, he encountered car trouble that brought out the caution flag and essentially cost Busch the race. Busch had a slow pit stop and Ryan Newman emerged victorious out of the green-white checkered. Jeff Gordon was second, Johnson was third and Busch fell all the way to eighth.

Poor Kyle. Riggs was trying to help him out and it backfired. I can only imagine how angry Busch was, given that he hasn't won a race since last August. And if you're Kyle Busch, aren't you thinking to yourself, "What the hell is Scott Riggs doing out there with three laps to go? He's usually gone to the garage 300 laps ago!"?

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