July 3, 2010

Well, we know the power forwards are on the move

Dirk Nowitzki has reportedly re-signed with Dallas (as expected). Paul Pierce's new deal with Boston is reportedly done (as expected). Joe Johnson is reportedly about to sign a max deal to stay with Atlanta (as previously believed).

So far, the only real free agent move has been Amar'e Stoudemire departing Phoenix (unless you count Steve Blake going to the Lakers or Hakim Warrick signing with the Suns).

Chris Bosh is going to leave Toronto, Amar'e is done in Phoenix and no one thinks Carlos Boozer will stay in Utah so three teams are going to be landing good power forwards to upgrade their low-post game (especially offensively; Amar'e is an embarrassment defensively and Boozer is so-so at best). At this point, it's anyone's guess regarding LeBron James and Dwyane Wade. Most probably believe they will stay in Cleveland and Miami but what if they don't?

Stephen A. starts backtracking

On Monday, Stephen A. Smith of...not really sure what he's of these days...reported on his radio show and Twitter page that LeBron James, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh had decided to join forces in Miami.

Now that all indications are that he was wrong, Stephen A. has started backtracking, using the "they changed their minds!" defense for his incorrect scoop. He's spent most of the morning posting this same drivel on his Twitter page, explaining how his scoop was right but things change, get in the way, blah blah blah. Which, of course is true, but is also why it was idiotic of him to report such a thing four days before the free agency period began.

Sure, they may have been interested in joining forces but to report it so matter-of-factly as Stephen A. did (and always does) so far in advance essentially set him up to fail. Of course things could get in the way. Of course there was a good chance there would be a "monkey wrench" thrown into things, as Stephen A. currently is saying. By attempting to be the first one to break the news as opposed to waiting it out to get it right, or even tempering his words a little bit ("the big three met last night and are definitely on board to try and join forces in Miami, it may not happen but they're interested in it"), Stephen A. is in the process of making himself look even more foolish than he always does and making ESPN look even better for getting rid of him and instead relying on the likes of Marc Stein, Chad Ford, Ric Bucher, Chris Broussard, Chris Sheridan and J.A. Adande, all of whom have proven themselves as more reliable sources of information than Stephen A.

Plus, he's opened himself up to ridicule from all, such as this Tweet from Bill Simmons: "Stephen A. Smith is reporting that Stephen A. Smith's report was incorrect."

The funniest outcome, of course, would be if LeBron, Wade and Bosh do join forces in Miami so that Stephen A. can report that his report of his report being incorrect is incorrect.

Bye bye Diego

The rest of the World Cup won't be the same without him.

(And how good is Germany, by the way?)

July 2, 2010

Honor thy Father

It doesn't happen often so it's important to make note of Dale Earnhardt Jr.'s Daytona victory in the Nationwide Series tonight. More noteworthy is that he did it driving a replica of his father's Wrangler Cup series car that he drove for most of the 1980s, right down to the No. 3 on the side. Junior has said this will be the last time he ever drive his father's number (although I still believe Richard Childress will eventually offer it up to him in the future in the Cup series).

Junior only runs a couple of Nationwide Series races a year and this is first win in that series since 2006. It is the first time he has been in any victory lane since winning at Michigan in June 2008 in the Cup series. It would be great for him and for the sport if he can pull off the double and win the Cup race tomorrow. Currently one spot out of the Chase, Junior has just one win since his May 2006 Richmond victory. He is at his best in restrictor plate races and put on a late charge to finish second in the Daytona 500 so perhaps he has a win in him tomorrow.

Chicago bound?

You always have to take what ESPN.com's Chad Ford says with a grain of salt because he once wrote "Darko is Europe's version of LeBron James" (and I guess Milicic does have more rings than LeBron does) but his report today is a shocker: according to a source (which could just be some cab driver on Michigan Ave.), Dwyane Wade is leaning toward signing with the Bulls.

Everyone has assumed all along that D-Wade would re-sign with Miami but he met with the Bulls yesterday and is now going to visit them again tonight. If this happens, it would be quite a 180--not long ago, Wade was critical of Bulls management, wondering why Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen are no longer a part of the organization. Apparently, something eased his mind on that when he visited the team yesterday in Chicago (and while Jordan clearly wouldn't be a part of a recruitment effort to Chicago since he now owns the Charlotte Bobcats, there have been rumors that Pippen is involved in the Bulls recruitment pitch).

While we may all be shocked that Wade would leave the Heat, it shouldn't be surprising that he is strongly considering the Bulls. He is from the south side of Chicago and grew up idolizing and cheering for the Jordan-Pippen-Phil Jackson dynasty. His mother still lives there, as does his child from his just-ended marriage.

The Bulls are meeting with LeBron tomorrow and met with Chris Bosh today (and Carlos Boozer too!). Things really are becoming now. Would Wade be able to partner up with either LeBron or Bosh in Chicago?

While no one will be more devastated by Wade going to Chicago than Miami (which probably would get no one of consequence if Wade leaves, causing Pat Riley to submit his resignation), no one would be more happy than Cleveland owner Dan Gilbert, especially if Bosh goes with him. If the Wade-Bosh combo commits to the Bulls, then LeBron would lose a suitor and most have felt all along that LeBron was most likely to sign with Chicago or stay in Cleveland.

UPDATE (5:17 pm): Comcast Sportsnet Chicago has confirmed that Wade and Bosh, who are both represented by agent Henry Thomas, are currently meeting with the Bulls (with Thomas present as well). Adrian Wojnarowski of Yahoo! reports that the Bulls are hoping to have a committment from Wade lined up to take with them to their meeting with LeBron tomorrow, although Wade would be fine with partnering up with Bosh in Chicago as well. Wojnarowski also details that LeBron and Wade would like to play together but LeBron is dubious about doing it in Miami, probably because the Heat only have Michael Beasley and Mario Chalmers currently under contract.

And Knicks fans: Wojnarowksi reports that the Knicks are pretty much out of the LeBron derby after an unimpressive presentation that lacked organization. Which pretty much sums up the entire last decade for the Knicks.

UPDATE (7:54 pm): Chad Ford updates his initial report and Tweets that after his meeting with the Bulls, Wade is on the fence about whether to go to Chicago or stay in Miami. No committment was made, however. Wojnarowksi reports that the Bulls tried to push for a committment but were unsuccessful. However, they remain committed to trying to get two of the LeBron-Wade-Bosh triumvirate to come to Chicago, if not all three.

And not sure how this would necessarily affect this whole Chicago-Miami tug-of-war but ESPN's Chris Sheridan reports to hold those horses on the Joe Johnson max deal to re-sign in Atlanta. Sheridan reports Johnson hasn't committed to the Hawks and won't until he sees what the other max-level guys do (it's amazing that Johnson is considered a max-level guy). Apparently the Bulls and Knicks are still very much in play.

Celtics closing in on new deal with Pierce

Paul Pierce opted out of the final year of his contract and $21.5 million earlier this week. No one ever expected he would actually leave the Celtics, however, and reports are that he is closing in on a new deal.

The reports say the deal likely to be for four years and around $60 million, although whether the fourth year is guaranteed remains a point of contention. Pierce would essentially be guaranteeing himself another $40 million or so in taking a single-season pay cut, while the pay cut, in conjunction with Rasheed Wallace's retirement, would free up money for the Celtics to keep Ray Allen and perhaps sign another veterans. This would be quite a steep discount for Boston; under the collective bargain agreement terms, Pierce is allowed to receive $96 million over four years.

So it looks like the Celtics are keeping the band together.

Double Dutch

Down goes Brazil! The World Cup favorite has fallen in the quarterfinals, falling to the Netherlands 2-1. The tournament of upsets continues as after a poor start, the Dutch rallied and went ahead  on Wesley Snejder's header into the net in the 68th minute. Brazil completely fell apart after blowing their 1-0 lead, which went in as an own goal when their goalkeeper came out to far on a challenge.

The Netherlands are generally considered the best nation to never win the World Cup. They're now two wins away.

Demolition in the desert

The Diamondbacks have cleaned house, firing manager A.J. Hinch and general manager Josh Byrnes. Byrnes, by the way, is under contract until 2015 and the Diamondbacks will have to pay him throughout.

Arizona never quite gelled after their run to the 2007 NLCS. Everyone thought they were on the verge of becoming a power in the National League with such emerging young players as Stephen Drew, Mark Reynolds, Conor Jackson, Chris Young, Dan Haren and Brandon Webb but they never could put it together again. They've been a complete mess this season.

But it sounds like everyone in baseball is dumbfounded by the firing of Byrnes. Writes ESPN.com's Buster Olney:

"Byrnes is widely regarded as a young star within the industry, and for the Diamondbacks to dump him now is a little like Al Davis' cutting ties with a young coach named Mike Shanahan. Byrnes is going to be hired elsewhere, and a lot of his peers fully expect him to thrive in his next job.

"One rival executive called the changes 'absolutely crazy.' Said another: 'That is a brutal decision. They just tore apart one of the best front offices in baseball.'"

July 1, 2010

Knicks tell LeBron they can make him a billionaire

The Knicks pitch to LeBron James reportedly included a slideshow that described how coming to New York would make LeBron a billionaire and possibly gain up to two billionaire dollars (you can view the slideshow presentation in the link).

Unclear is how the Knicks described how LeBron is going to win a championship in the near future if he goes to a team as wretched as the Knicks.

Early impressions

Things I learned during the first day of the NBA's free agent negotiating period:

Mike D'Antoni is happy that he can say "LeBron!" without tampering.

Mikhail Prokhorov is going to become my favorite owner and James Dolan is none too happy about it.

Robert Sarver is still a cheapskate who continues to try and destroy basketball in Phoenix.

Pat Riley really wants to win.

Phil Jackson is coming back to have one last stand, sort of like he did in 1998.

Byron Scott is going to coach the Cavaliers.

LeBron, D-Wade and Chris Bosh aren't the only members of the famed 2003 lottery that are cashing in this summer.

Rolling over in a playoff sweep is apparently worth $120 million to Atlanta.

With some of the deals being handed out, the NBA players association is going to have a pretty nice case when the owners cry poor next summer.

Paging Rachel Nichols

Here we go again. While everyone assumes Brett Favre will play this season, he still hasn't confirmed it (probably because he doesn't want to show up until mid-August, after Vikings training camp is over). But Favre has been more than happy to drop hints about his likely return and the latest is that he's throwing passes to high schoolers in Mississippi, something he did during his last two comebacks.

Rachel Nichols, I believe you have a spot on Favre's Mississippi lawn to camp out on.

It's NHL free agent day too

While the NBA has an eight-day negotiating period before free agents can sign, the NHL allows players to sign immediately and thanks to wide-spread tampering, the floodgates open immediately at Noon EST.

Within 15 minutes of the start of free agency, former Penguins defenseman Sergei Gonchar defected to Ottawa for a three-year deal and no-trade clause, two things Pittsburgh wouldn't give a 36-year-old defenseman. The Penguins nicely replaced him though, signing Paul Martin from New Jersey and Zbynek Michalek from Phoenix. Suddenly the Penguins have a really intriguing defense with these two joining Brooks Orpik, Kris Letang and Alex Goligoski.

The Sharks have signed Antero Niittymaki to be their new No. 1 goaltender. I can't believe he can possibly fail in the playoffs as consistently as Evgeni Nabokov did over the last decade.

Still waiting to see where Ilya Kovalchuk ends up and rumor has it the Rangers and Maple Leafs plan on making presentations to LeBron James.

First NBA free agent domino falls!

The first domino has falling! Everything should start falling now: Milwaukee signs Drew Gooden to a six-year deal!

($100 says the Bucks will be looking to unload Gooden by February. Gooden has been on six teams in the last three years yet somehow scored a $32 million deal. Incredible. Not even the Clippers would have made such a bad signing, although the Warriors may have.)

June 30, 2010

The start of July

Here's what the next few days have in store for us...

Tomorrow: LeBron James begins his summer free agency tour while Dwyane Wade, Chris Bosh, Amar'e Stoudemire, Dirk Nowitzki, Carlos Boozer, Joe Johnson, Ray Allen and Shaquille O'Neal become free agents as well. (And in another sport, so do Ilya Kovalchuk and Patrick Marleau.)

Friday: World Cup quarterfinal action, Rays-Twins.

Saturday: World Cup quarterfinal action, Wimbledon women's final, Rays-Twins, Strasburg, Ubaldo, NASCAR from Daytona.

Sunday: Wimbledon men's final, Rays-Twins

Knicks source: Joe Johnson better than LeBron?

SNY in New York quotes a source within the Knicks organization that says their No. 1 free agent target isn't LeBron James but rather Joe Johnson because "Yes, we think he's a better player."

Okay then. Explains why the Knicks have been so pathetic for the last decade. The source does go on to say that LeBron bringing his people into the locker room hurts the team, which may be true and could be detrimental, but don't say something as idiotic as LeBron isn't as good a player as Johnson.

I have to say, I'm really intrigued at the prospect of the Knicks reuniting the 2005 Suns, minus Steve Nash. Mike D'Antoni can coach and they can sign free agents Johnson, Amar'e Stoudemire, Quentin Richardson and Raja Bell. If that team can't win 38 games, no one can.

Changing of the guard

For years, people have been saying Roger Federer is declining and nearing the end of his reign of dominance.

Now, it appears he really has. After losing to Robin Soderling in the quarterfinal of the French Open, failing to reach a grand slam semifinal for the first time since 2003, Federer has fallen in the quarterfinal of Wimbledon to Tomas Berdych.

Federer has been nearly unbeatable at Wimbledon, losing just once there since 2004 (to Rafael Nadal in the 2008 epic final). But now he's fallen the quarterfinal, and fallen for the second consecutive grand slam prior to the semifinal. The door is open for Rafael Nadal to become the world's dominant player, with little challenge.

(Of course, saying this, watch Federer dominate the U.S. Open.)

June 29, 2010

Prediction time

Well, it's time. Time to make predictions. I've outlined what I think would be a pretty cool overall scenario for the entire league (and I'm rooting for all of that, right down to the Iverson/T-Mac/Shaq trio ending up in New Jersey and Gilbert Arenas landing in New York). We've heard about the supposed summit between LeBron James, Dwyane Wade Chris and Bosh (which has been killed, in some regard--I knew I shouldn't have listened to Stephen A. Smith). And just today, both Paul Pierce and Dirk Nowitzki have decided to opt out of their contracts, making them unrestricted free agents, while the Nets made a seemingly minor trade to create more cap room in their effort to sign LeBron or someone else.

Who are the major unrestricted free agents? Only: LeBron, D-Wade, Bosh, Dirk, Pierce, Amar'e Stoudemire, Carlos Boozer, Joe Johnson, David Lee, Ray Allen and Shaquille O'Neal.

Considered lesser on the importance scale but still extremely key pieces that are out there: John Salmons, Kyle Korver, Channing Frye, Udonis Haslem, Tyson Chandler, Raymond Felton, Mike Miller, Brad Miller, Nate Robinson, Steve Blake, Derek Fisher, Luke Ridnour, Brendan Haywood, Shannon Brown, Bobby Simmons and Raja Bell.

(And don't forget about Tracy McGrady and Allen Iverson!)

Restricted free agents that are out there and could switch teams: Rudy Gay, Josh Childress (back from Greece!), Tyrus Thomas, Luis Scola and J.J. Redick.

The time has come to predict what's going to happen with the big free agents and the teams involved.

LeBRON JAMES: I cannot help but think he is Chicago bound. I think he will seriously think about going back to Cleveland and will be really intrigued by Dallas and Miami. But I think his desire to be the alpha dog keeps him away from Miami and the Cavaliers apparent unwillingness to engage in a sign-and-trade keeps him out of Dallas. It will come down to the Bulls and the Cavaliers, the ability to win championships and truly reach his goal of "Global Icon" versus loyalty to his hometown team. Global Icon wins.

DWAYNE WADE: Everyone has said it all along: Miami. I would be shocked if he ended up anywhere else, as would everyone else.

CHRIS BOSH: Everyone has said that Bosh, more than LeBron and D-Wade, wants the absolute max because he can't make up the money in endorsements the way those two can. That means it's sign-and-trade so that he can get the absolute max, something Toronto is said to be willing to engage in. That tells me that Bosh will end up in either New York, Chicago or Houston. Pat Riley only has two players on his Miami roster to deal in Michael Beasley and Mario Chalmers and apparently no one wants Beasley. That means all he can offer Toronto are future draft picks. Is that worth more to Toronto than Eddy Curry's expiring deal (Knicks), Luol Deng (Bulls) or some combination of Scola, Shane Battier, Kevin Martin and Trevor Ariza (Houston)? Highly doubt it. I think the Rockets are a bigger factor than people will expect because Battier and Jared Jeffries both have expiring deals and because it's Bosh's hometown but I think, in the end, he hitches his wagon to LeBron and follows him where ever (well, maybe not to Cleveland). That means he goes to the Bulls in a sign-and-trade involving Deng.

DIRK NOWITZKI: Everyone assumes he's going stay in Dallas due to loyalty to Mark Cuban. And I'm no different; I assume he'll sign a four-year extension to remain a member of the Mavericks. I don't think it's a slam dunk though. I think Pat Riley will heavily court him, LeBron will try to join forces with him in Chicago (and maybe Dallas too except that Cleveland won't help fascilitate that) and that Phoenix will go hard after him (although for lesser money because Robert Sarver is involved). I think the opportunity to reunite with Steve Nash will make taking max money in Dallas or lesser money in Phoenix to play with his good buddy on a team that went to the conference finals this season will really, really weigh on Dirk but in the end, he'll stay loyal to Cuban.

PAUL PIERCE: I wouldn't put it past Danny Ainge to let Pierce (and Ray Allen) go to commence the rebuilding in Boston and I don't think it's out of the question that the Clippers will offer him the max to sign there. However, I really believe his opting out is just to set him up for one more payday in Boston. Wyc Grousbeck seems really committed to Pierce retiring a Celtic and so they will agree on a new deal that guarantees him more money than the $21 million he had coming to him prior to opting out.

AMAR'E STOUDEMIRE: He has said he'll stay in Phoenix if they offer him the max. The Suns no longer have a general manager, having let Steve Kerr and his top aides go. What about the last five years would make you believe that owner Robert Sarver will ante up? Nothing. So I think he leaves, with Miami and New York being the top contenders. Here's the problem with Miami: does anyone believe Pat Riley has any use for a player who can't defend? Yeah, I didn't think so. I see Stoudemire ending up with the Knicks in a sign-and-trade for a newly signed David Lee.

DAVID LEE: As outlined above, I think he and Amar'e somehow get swapped for each other and he ends up in Phoenix. He'll be a lot cheaper for Robert Sarver to pay and could be a really good fit with Steve Nash.

JOE JOHNSON: When Johnson left Phoenix for a decript Hawks team in 2005, it showed he would search for the highest bidder. To his credit, Johnson led the Hawks back to respectability after cashing in, something many highly paid players fail to do. I don't think Atlanta is going to offer him the max so he'll go to a high bidder. The Clippers have money to burn and with LeBron inevitably turning them down, Johnson may end up being the guy who they turn to. I think Johnson ends up deciding between the Clippers and Knicks and opts to go to New York, reuniting with Amar'e and Mike D'Antoni. Hey, Quentin Richardson is a free agent; maybe they can sign him! And maybe they can trade for Nash! Let's reunite the 2005 Suns!

CARLOS BOOZER: With Bosh, Dirk and Amar'e going elsewhere, Riley settles for Boozer, who will cost the Heat less than the max while providing a low-post presence and giving Miami flexibility to get some of the lesser targets to build a really deep team.

RAY ALLEN: Every contender will want Allen. Lakers? Check. Spurs? Check. Magic? Check. Thunder? Check. And many have said that he will follow some of the prime free agents to be the veteran presence who drains open shots. Miami and Chicago (or Cleveland--where ever LeBron ends up) will pursue him hard and I could see Oklahoma City doing the same but I think Pierce, Kevin Garnett and Doc Rivers (who I think will be back as Boston's head coach) will appeal to him to stick it for one more go-round with Boston.

SHAQUILLE O'NEAL: It depends what Shaq wants. Does he want one more payday (Dallas)? A chance to party (Nets)? Or how about an opportunity to beat Kobe Bryant in the NBA Finals? I kind of think the last one appeals to him and playing with older veterans who respect him has to be pleasing to his ego. I'm going to go out on a limb and say Shaq takes a deal for the veteran's exception with the Celtics. I know he likes Cuban and would love to play for him but now that he trails Kobe by one ring, the chance to beat him with the Lakers' fiercest rival has to appeal to Shaq's ego. And Boston needs a center to replace the injured Kendrick Perkins.

UDONIS HASLEM, RAJA BELL, CHANNING FRYE & TYSON CHANDLER: I see them all in Miami, joining Wade and Boozer. Riley loves bangers and guys who will protect the rim and rebound and that's what Haslem and Chandler are. He likes hard-nosed defenders and that's what Bell is. And the Heat need someone who can stretch the floor to bury the kick-out passes when Wade attacks the basket and that's what Chandler is (and I think Sarver will push him out of Phoenix since he's in line for a big raise over his $2 million salary this season). Riley may not have his dream of Wade-LeBron-Bosh come through but a Wade-Boozer-Haslem-Chandler-Frye-Bell team with Beasley and Mario Chalmers is pretty darn good.

DEREK FISHER & STEVE BLAKE: Everyone knows Fisher wants to be near doctors to treat his daughter's eye condition, which leaves the Lakers, Clippers and Knicks as his only options, and though Jerry Buss may want to cut payroll, he also wants to make sure Kobe is happy. No way the Lakers let Fisher walk. Blake is the backup they need to keep him fresh for playoff crunch time.

MIKE MILLER: He has said the time has come in his career where it's time to win. That means he has to take the a mid-level exception from someone or go to one of the teams below the cap. It's not going to be New Jersey or New York. I see it being the Bulls, who will have enough money to fit him in under the cap after dealing Deng to Toronto for Bosh.

BRAD MILLER & BRENDAN HAYWOOD: The Mavericks always seem to sign big men who can't play and they'll sign two more, although these two can play. Haywood will re-sign while Miller will give them a versatile two-way center with game on both ends to make the likes of Pau Gasol and Tim Duncan at least work for their points.

JOHN SALMONS: He's already turned down one offer from them and they've acquired Corey Maggette but I have to believe he and the Bucks will work it out. Right? Wrong. This is the guy who goes to New Jersey. He's not the splash the Nets were looking for but he will fit with Devin Harris, Brook Lopez and Derrick Favors in the rebuilding of that team under Avery Johnson.

KYLE KORVER: I have no good reason for saying this but I think he'll end up with a contender who needs a three-point shooter. Given the money the Bulls and Heat are spending elsewhere, the lack of money the Celtics have and the filled teams in the West, it leads me to think a return to Utah is in the cards.

ALLEN IVERSON & TRACY McGRADY: Who needs past-their-prime bench help? I don't think Iverson will even be in the NBA. McGrady will be. He'll have to take virtually nothing and come off the bench. And you know what team strikes me as a really good fit if he's willing to do those two things? Boston, where he can play for his former coach in Orlando, Doc Rivers.

RUDY GAY: I know Memphis wants to keep him but I also know that Michael Heisley has never spent money. I think he'll end up getting an offer sheet for more than Heisley is willing to pay. The team? The Nets. They're a young team with pieces at the 1, 4 and 5 (and the 2, if they land Salmons), meaning their missing a player at the 3. Gay fits the bill for this young team.

LUIS SCOLA: Back to the Rockets.

JOSH CHILDRESS: Back from Greece and back to Atlanta, where the Hawks should have some cash to spend when Joe Johnson bolts.

J.J. REDICK: A year ago, he couldn't get off the Magic bench. Now, he's a key three-point shooter with a bit of mean streak and who took away crunch time minutes in the conference finals when Vince Carter predictably rolled over. No way does Orlando let him go.

The Shakeout...

Championship contenders: Lakers, Mavericks, Bulls, Heat, Magic, Celtics (if the Pierce-KG-Allen group has another year in them with a better bench and continued improvement from Rajon Rondo).

Possible championship contender: Thunder

Solid playoff teams: Suns, Spurs, Nuggets, Blazers, Rockets (if Yao gives them 50 games), Knicks

Fold the franchise: Cavaliers

Jennifer Capriati overdoses, dates porn star

Former tennis phenom and three-time grand slam champion Jennifer Capriati overdosed on prescription medication. The 34-year-old, who at 14 reached the 1990 French Open semifinal (where she lost to Monica Seles) is expected to make a full recovery. An ex-boyfriend, however, believes she knows why she overdosed: him. And his porn career.

Dale DaBone, who dated Capriati from 2003-2009, has starred in 443 films in his career and clearly has a name made for porn. According to him, his recent decision to star in the hilariously titled (and tittied) "Batman XXX: A Porn Parody" pushed her over the edge. He told TMZ that when he called her in the hospital, she was "hysterical" over his decision to return to porn.

DaBone won a 2004 AVN Award for Best Group Sex Scene in a Film so he clearly knows what he's doing, which is perhaps what Capriati liked about him (Tiger Woods has a thing for porn stars, as we all know) but apparently she couldn't take him boning (pun intended) girls besides her anymore.

This isn't the first time Capriati has been involved with drugs. You may recall her 1994 arrest in a motel room where it was alleged she had snorted cocaine and smoked crack cocaine. She bounced back from that to become the No. 1 player in the world before her career died about a decade later.

June 28, 2010

The big three free agents have met and talked about joining forces

This morning, Stephen A. Smith reported on his radio show and his Twitter page that LeBron James and Chris Bosh would be signing with the Miami Heat, joining forces with Dwyane Wade to create a super trio. All of us (and by "us" I mean "rational human beings") pretty much ignored it because we figured we should consider the source.

But now I and everyone else may have to take this a little more seriously because ESPN.com's Marc Stein and Chris Broussard are reporting that the three met over the weekend in Miami to discuss their futures, focusing on potentially joining forces in Miami.

While this is no means the certainty Stephen A. said, one of their sources did say Miami is now considered the frontrunner (as opposed to Chicago, which reportedly was a "done deal" for LeBron and Bosh as recently as yesterday) and that Cleveland is still very much in the picture to retain LeBron.

It's worth noting that to happen, the three would either have to take less money than the max or Miami would have to find a way to unload Michael Beasley. I, for one, hope it doesn't happen for several reasons: I love watching Wade and LeBron go head-to-head and the idea of them battling for Eastern Conference supremacy for the next decade really appeals to me. I'm not sure the two of their games really mesh well together. If they sign all three, they'll have no money to sign anyone for anything other than the minimum.

Here's another thing I would consider if I were LeBron: if I joined forces with Wade and we won six championships together, I'd end up with one fewer than Wade and his legacy would probably be greater than mine since he won without me. Considering my goal of "Global Icon," do I want that?

New reports come at us every day so I'm sure tomorrow, we'll hear LeBron is leaning toward joining the Nets so he can play for good friend Jay-Z. All I know is that if he signs with any of the Cavs, Bulls, Heat or Mavericks I won't be surprised. And I wouldn't really be all that shocked if he signed with the Nets either. I'd be mildly surprised if he signed with the Knicks and absolutely shocked if he signed with the Clippers.

I'm usually shocked when Stephen A. is right but maybe he really does know something this time.

Has Erin Andrews re-signed with ESPN?

With Erin Andrews' contract expiring this week, John Ourand of the Sports Business Journal reported the following tonight on Twitter:

"Erin Andrews will be staying at ESPN, according to Jim Miller, who is teaming with Tom Shales to write the definitive book on the network."

Miller and Shales wrote the outstanding "Live From New York," chronicling the history of "Saturday Night Live," so ignoring their scoop isn't wise. However SportsByBrooks has followed up on this and discovered that no new deal has been signed.

So it remains to be seen what will become of the ESPN sideline princess who has clearly made a name for herself as a celebrity through the disgusting peephole situation she was victimized in and her recent turn on "Dancing With The Stars," in which she placed second. Her contract situation has been a hotly debated topic of late, with Sports Illustrated's Richard Deitsch doing an excellent job of examining her career prospects within sports.

If I were advising Andrews, I would tell her to use this opportunity to cross over into entertainment while maintaining a role in sports, since she seems to really love them. ESPN and ABC are corporate cousins. If I were her, I would seek some opportunities to host shows rather than just report from the sidelines (maybe anchor SportsCenter from time to time), increase the profile of her sideline gig (to say, the NBA Finals, Monday Night Football or the ABC Saturday night college football package), and also get some entertainment opportunities on ABC with appearances on a show like "The View" and the ability to host red carpet events such as prior to the Academy Awards (are those on ABC?).

Her star will never be brighter than it is right now so she has to take advantage of it.

It's official: Kerr back with TNT

Not that this comes as any surprise, as I figured this would be the case the moment he left the Suns general manager post, but Steve Kerr is back with TNT. The five-time NBA champion previously served as a game analyst alongside Marv Albert for TNT before leaving for his job with the Suns.

It has not yet been said who Kerr will be working with at TNT this time around. Last season, Albert worked with Reggie Miller and Mike Fratello while Kevin Harlan worked with Doug Collins. Once the conference finals came around, Albert and Collins joined forces. But Collins is now off to coach the 76ers and while he'll no doubt be seeking a television gig somewhere for the 2012-13 season, TNT for now will have to decide how to set up their broadcasts.

I thought Kerr and Albert were excellent together with Fratello when they were a threesome and I hope TNT goes back to that. Miller is really best off in the studio and should just Charles Barkley, Kenny Smith and Ernie Johnson while TNT looks for a new partner for Harlan (perhaps NBA TV's Kevin McHale?).

New leadership at Dunder Mifflin?

This autumn, the seventh season of The Office will commence on NBC. And it appears that will be the last one with Michael Scott running Dunder Mifflin.

Steve Carell has confirmed that he will leave the show following the season. Following his original seven-year contract, Carell is pulling out (that's what she said). But apparently the show could still go on. Carell thinks it can be fine without him and with ratings strong, it's unlikely that ratings disaster NBC would pull the plug. How they would replace him remains to be seen. Does Jim return to the boss's chair? Do they bring in a new leader? Will the show not completely suck? All questions to be answered.

June 27, 2010

How the NBA could change

This is the way I would like to see the offseason pan out. Everything below is realistic and could feasibly happen. Some of it probably actually will. All I know is this is a way to save some franchises, shake up the league and create some real playoff battles come May.