April 15, 2010

One person's NBA awards choices

Most Valuable Player
1. LeBron James, Cleveland. The most obvious choice since Shaq in 2000. And the scary thing is we're just scratching the surface. So long as he doesn't sign with the wrong team this summer (like, you know, the Knicks), it would come as no surprise if he is the most deserving of the next six MVPs after this one, although I know the voters will get bored and give one or two to someone else (like Karl Malone in 1997, for example).

2. Kevin Durant, OKC
3. Dwight Howard, Orlando
4. Kobe Bryant, L.A. Lakers
5. Carmelo Anthony, Denver

Sixth Man of the Year
1. Jamal Crawford, Atlanta. It's amazing that he went from being part of the problem with the Knicks to being part of the puzzle for the Hawks.

2. Anderson Varejao, Cleveland
3. Jason Terry, Dallas

(I'm not including Manu Ginobili as a candidate. Though he has been a bench player most of the season, he's been at his best lately, during which time he was starting.)

Rookie of the Year
1. Tyreke Evans, Sacramento. I love Steph Curry and think he will likely have the best overall career but I cannot deny the impact Evans has made on the Kings. He has a surprisingly well-rounded offensive game.

2. Stephen Curry, Golden State
3. Brandon Jennings, Milwaukee

Defensive Player of the Year
1. Dwight Howard, Orlando. He might be the only remaining player in the league whose presence in the paint alters an opposing offense.

2. Gerald Wallace, Charlotte
3. Thabo Sefolosha, OKC

Most Improved Player
1. Aaron Brooks, Houston. Never thought a team could have a winning record with Brooks as their best player the way the Rockets did.

2. Andrew Bogut, Milwaukee
3. Marc Gasol, Memphis

Coach of the Year
1. Scott Brooks, OKC. Maybe he just was the right coach at the right time but the franchise became an instant contender, one of the most exciting teams in the league and the team of the future this season. With Durant leading the way, they could improve by another 8-10 wins next season.

2. Scott Skiles, Milwaukee
3. Rick Adelman, Houston (it's a shame that the Rockets missed the playoffs because I always enjoy seeing another great Adelman postseason collapse)

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