April 12, 2010

Kroenke goes all in

In a surprise move, Stan Kroenke, who has owned 40% of the Rams since their move to St. Louis in 1995, has decided to exercise his option to buy the remaining 60% of the team that co-owners Chip Rosenbloom and Lucia Rodriguez, children of the late Georgia Frontiere, had inherited and agreed to sell to Shahid Khan.

While most will wonder if Kroenke will be successful, given that he owns the Colorado Avalanche and Denver Nuggets and the NFL's cross-ownership rules don't allow owners to own teams in other sports in other markets that also have NFL teams, and others will wonder if this means Kroenke intends to sell the Avalanche and Nuggets (what will this mean for Carmelo Anthony?), my only real concern is this:

Khan's hilarious moustache won't be a part of the sports world.

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