April 13, 2010

The Big Bang Theory goes boom...or, so I think

As one of the few people who actually enjoys The Big Bang Theory, let me state two things for the record:

1. I'm not sure whether or not Kaley Cuoco is hot. My mind changes seemingly every episode.

2. The show is headed down a steep slope and I'm beginning to fear that it's going to become a disaster by following the exact same path that Friends went down. And let there be no doubt that, after three seasons, Friends became a complete disaster.

The Big Bang Theory has had one underlying theme throughout: Leonard's crush on Penny, and subsequently dating Penny. Beyond that and character development, virtually episode has pretty much stood on its own in that you haven't really had to see other episodes to understand what is going on. That's a trait I tend to believe enhances a comedy. The first couple years of Friends were great because of this (and because they hadn't turned the male characters into women yet). Seinfeld and Cheers became the two greatest comedies of all-time largely because of this. But on last night's episode, Penny broke up with Leonard because she couldn't say "I love you" to him after he said it to her.

Uh oh. This has Ross and Rachel written all over it and that's a bad thing. That's a really, really bad thing. That's the sort of thing that can ruin this show. I always felt that once the writers inevitably decided to bring Leonard and Penny together, they had to stay together for the sake of the show. Now? Danger ahead.

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