June 28, 2010

The big three free agents have met and talked about joining forces

This morning, Stephen A. Smith reported on his radio show and his Twitter page that LeBron James and Chris Bosh would be signing with the Miami Heat, joining forces with Dwyane Wade to create a super trio. All of us (and by "us" I mean "rational human beings") pretty much ignored it because we figured we should consider the source.

But now I and everyone else may have to take this a little more seriously because ESPN.com's Marc Stein and Chris Broussard are reporting that the three met over the weekend in Miami to discuss their futures, focusing on potentially joining forces in Miami.

While this is no means the certainty Stephen A. said, one of their sources did say Miami is now considered the frontrunner (as opposed to Chicago, which reportedly was a "done deal" for LeBron and Bosh as recently as yesterday) and that Cleveland is still very much in the picture to retain LeBron.

It's worth noting that to happen, the three would either have to take less money than the max or Miami would have to find a way to unload Michael Beasley. I, for one, hope it doesn't happen for several reasons: I love watching Wade and LeBron go head-to-head and the idea of them battling for Eastern Conference supremacy for the next decade really appeals to me. I'm not sure the two of their games really mesh well together. If they sign all three, they'll have no money to sign anyone for anything other than the minimum.

Here's another thing I would consider if I were LeBron: if I joined forces with Wade and we won six championships together, I'd end up with one fewer than Wade and his legacy would probably be greater than mine since he won without me. Considering my goal of "Global Icon," do I want that?

New reports come at us every day so I'm sure tomorrow, we'll hear LeBron is leaning toward joining the Nets so he can play for good friend Jay-Z. All I know is that if he signs with any of the Cavs, Bulls, Heat or Mavericks I won't be surprised. And I wouldn't really be all that shocked if he signed with the Nets either. I'd be mildly surprised if he signed with the Knicks and absolutely shocked if he signed with the Clippers.

I'm usually shocked when Stephen A. is right but maybe he really does know something this time.

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