July 7, 2010

Will Newsday be right?

With LeBron TV tomorrow night, the question many have wondered is if someone will scoop LeBron's show. The first attempt at it comes from Alan Hahn of Newsday who Tweets:

"Multiple sources are telling Newsday that LeBron James has decided to join Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh in Miami. The new Big Three is here."

Alright then. So far, no one else has gone with this and given the way this story has played out, it's hard to believe anything until the final announcement is made. I fully expect a report from Ric Bucher or Adrian Wojnarowski tomorrow saying that LeBron is seriously considering the Clippers, just to create even more buzz for the show. But we'll see. Speaking of Bucher, shortly after Hahn's Tweet he Tweeted this (over two Tweets):

"Never tweeted LeBron was in Mia. A source said he was. Passed it on to the mothership. Made a 2nd call, told he was in Akron. Killed report...But the insanity is rising: the 1 source came at me hard that LBJ to Mia is done. Only way I go w/one source on that is if it's LBJ/Mav."

"Mav," being Maverick Carter. Anyway, Brian Windhorst of the Cleveland Plain-Dealer, who has been the ultimate LeBron authority since James was in high school, Tweeted this a little after the Bucher Tweets:

"Newsday has reported LeBron has decided on Heat. Only a couple of people can truly confirm this. None have to me at this point."

So that's where we are. Sounds like the east coast media is going to have to forego sleep tonight in order to chase down this LeBron-to-Miami report and LeBron wouldn't want it any other way.

UPDATE (10:41 pm): Chris Broussard of ESPN chimes in: "Sources with knowledge of the situation indeed saying LeBron will join Wade and Bosh in Miami, barring a late change of heart"

The only thing I will caution is that the dreaded "sources with knowledge of the situation" also said a LeBron/Bosh partnership in Chicago was a "done deal." Plus, LeBron has his show to promote. This could all be a smokescreen for the truth. Or it could be the truth. It's LeBron. Anything is in play at this point. What's fact is fiction and what's fiction is fact until he makes his official announcement.

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