July 5, 2010

Maradona says he's done

It is with great sadness that I report that Cronica newspaper in Argentina is reporting that Diego Maradona is done as the coach of Argentina's national soccer team. While nothing has officially been announced, the paper quotes Maradona as saying, "It's done, my chapter has ended."

This isn't official and a close friend of his is quoted as saying that he's still thinking about it. And let me say this: I hope he changes his mind. The World Cup has been fun but Diego Maradona made it more fun than the vuvuzelas, the horrific announcing, the U.S. miracle and Charissa Thompson's ridiculous reports on Yahoo! combined. Maradona made this event much more interesting and much more fun for a person like me that follows soccer on the periphery before really throwing myself into it once every four years.

So, Diego, I'm begging you: please come back for 2014.

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