June 11, 2010

She's alive!

One day after being lost at sea and feared dead, 16-year-old Abby Sunderland has been found and she's still alive.

Sunderland decided to try and attempt to become the youngest sailor to ever circumvent the globe and began her journey earlier this year. Incredibly, her parents allowed this (when I was 16, my parents wouldn't even allow me to stay out past midnight). Having lost communication with her support crew yesterday, it was feared that the boat may have submerged in treacherous waters in the Indian Ocean. However, a Qantas Airbus plane found her in the Southern Indian Ocean. The boat at one point had been turned on its side but, incredibly, Sunderland was able to right it and she is unharmed (clearly, this girl knows how to sail a boat).

Unfortunately for her, the journey is over. The nearest boat to her is 24 hours away and once that boat arrives, she will be returning home. Incredibly, she managed to complete more than half her journey. (I say incredibly because to me its amazing; to her, not completing the mission is probably considered a tremendous failure.) I'm sure that at some point down the line this ambitious girl will attempt this again. I wish her luck but at this point am just happy for her and especially her family that she's safe and unharmed.

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