June 8, 2010

Message to Donald Sterling: SELL THE CLIPPERS

The Clippers could dominate the Los Angeles sports scene for the next 10 years. The Lakers have an older team with Kobe Bryant on the verge of entering his declining years and Phil Jackson going year-to-year. The Dodgers have a young core but a divorce in owners ruining the franchise. USC football is awaiting sanctions that could potentially wipe out their 2004 national championship and place restrictions on the program. No one cares about the Kings even though they have a potentially legendary defenseman in young Drew Doughty.

The Clippers have some good young players like Blake Griffin and Eric Gordon. All they need to become a championship contender is one LeBron James. And David Geffen wants to make it happen.

The entertainment billionaire wants to buy a majority stake of the team from the hapless Donald Sterling and believes he can then get LeBron to sign with the team. And why not? What could LeBron possibly do that would be bigger than winning a championship with arguably the worst team in all of sports? Or to challenge and take down the Lakers in the hearts of Los Angeles? LeBron can make that happen.

Sterling cannot. So the only way LeBron could possibly go to the Clippers would be if he ceased day-to-day operations of the team and sold off a majority share. LeBron is far too smart to possibly sign with the Clippers if Sterling is the majority owner. But Geffen? Hmmmm.

Color me intrigued. But I'm willing to bet Sterling will never sell, no matter how much Geffen offers.

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