July 11, 2010

Rev. Jesse Jackson: Please, stop being an idiot

Responding to Dan Gilbert's hilarious, over-the-top diatribe in a letter to fans after LeBron James left the Cavaliers for the Heat, the Rev. Jesse Jackson had this to say in a statement released by his Rainbow PUSH Coalition:

"He speaks as an owner of LeBron and not the owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers. His feelings of betrayal personify a slave master mentality. He sees LeBron as a runaway slave. This is an owner employee relationship--between business partners--and LeBron honored his contract."

And he adds later:

"LeBron is not a child, nor is he bound to play on Gilbert’s plantation and be demeaned. He has been a model citizen and has inspired the children of Akron, Cleveland, the State of Ohio and the United States."

I mean, seriously. Or maybe Gilbert just reacted the way a scorned lover would. Nonsense like this is exactly why Jesse Jackson's message on real issues gets lost so often. Making such over-the-top statements on meaningless situations like this only serves to demean the work the Rainbow PUSH Coalition does on meaningful issues. It is a shame that Jackson finds the need to interject on situations like this so often, generally to the detriment of the real causes he should be supporting.

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