June 4, 2010

Juan Samuel is a Major League manager

Who can ever forget Juan Samuel's hilarious career with the Phillies and Mets? And now, he's the manager of the Orioles! Good luck to Samuel, who no doubt needs it, because the Orioles are a complete mess. A disaster. And it isn't changing any time soon because there is nothing to suggest Peter Angelos will be selling in the near future.

So Samuel will be the latest in a long line of failed Orioles managers, dating back to Angelos running Davey Johnson out of town in 1997.

The good news for the fired Dave Tremblay? That he no longer has to deal with this disaster. The bad news is that he's probably finished as a Major League manager for life but I'm sure that's a better alternative than continuing on with the hapless Orioles, 15-39 with a .278 winning percentage (no other team is even as low as .350). Once a proud, model franchise with an awesome ballpark, Angelos has successfully murdered the sport in Baltimore.

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