May 31, 2010

City ribbing goes too far, I think, and LA Times agrees

One of my favorite parts about championship matchups is when the newspapers in the competing cities decide it would be a good time to print an article that rips the other city to shreds or rips everything about the other team. These articles are complete layups, in my opinion, because the writers and editors are too lazy to do their jobs and cover real stories.

Well, someone named Ted Green penned a blog post on the Los Angeles Times website that rips every single Celtics player. I thoroughly enjoy this because some of the criticisms he levels at Celtics players just as easily be applied to Lakers players but whatever. Anyway, Green wrote this about Paul Pierce, the Celtic who absolutely destroyed the Lakers in the Finals two years ago:

"By the way, Pierce's idea of a fun night is going clubbing and getting stabbed. Good times!"

I don't know about you but I don't want to live in a world where we can't make fun of people for nearly being stabbed to do. And I don't know about you but I feel like getting stabbed 10 times isn't nearly as bad as raping a girl. Allegedly.

Anyway, the LA Times correctly pulled the post (poor Ted Green, a lazy 45 minutes of his life he'll never get back pulled by the publication that paid him to give up those 45 minutes to write such nonsense, although for his trouble he'll spend the next few days getting skewered by the national press) but fortunately, the page lives on in Google's cache.

Anyway, there are several lines penned by Green that could just as easily be applied to Lakers players but perhaps the best one is his take on Rajon Rondo:

"This is the point guard who is faster than any Laker. He's an emerging star and acts like it, too. If he were any more conceited, he'd dribble with his left hand and carry a hand-mirror with his right. He preens more than TV news anchors. If he has a weakness, other than the villainous franchise he suits up for, it's his shooting. He has trouble making open five-footers in empty gyms, much less full arenas. Just remember this kid is, like, 8 years old and already as arrogant as the rest of them."

An emerging star who acts like it. Highly conceited. Young and arrogant. I think Ted Green just described Kobe Bryant's career perfectly.

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