June 25, 2010

Enough already

The production house of "Knight and Day" seem to have struck some sort of deal with DirecTV where its commercial runs repeatedly on ESPN. During the NBA draft last night, the commercial ran seemingly twice per commercial break and its on during all of the World Cup commercial breaks.

And not different commercials either. The same one every time, the one with the Us Weekly rave about it, talking about Tom Cruise being at his "Jerry Maguire best!" It also includes Cruise and Cameron Diaz rolling on the beach, giving us all a quick look at Diaz's cellulite. Clearly, the editors didn't do their jobs on that shot.

Anyway, I hope the "Knight and Day" people realize that by flooding me with commercials for this movie, it reduces my chances of seeing it from "almost none" (I'm not one to support the actor that ruined Katie Holmes for all of us) to "none." That commercial has guaranteed I won't see it in theaters, won't rent it from Blockbuster, won't order it on NetFlix and won't watch it on cable. So good job, guys.