June 25, 2010

Elin's taking Tiger to the cleaners

Tiger Woods won't talk about the state of his marriage to Elin but it has been speculated for a while now that divorce is in the works. Well, it's reportedly almost settled. And in it, Elin is reportedly taking most everything Tiger owns. The Chicago Sun-Times reports that she will get $750,000,000.

That's right, $750 million.

In addition, Elin will get their soon-to-be-completed $80 million mansion in Jupiter, Fla. In addition, Tiger will not be able to introduce their children to any woman he is not married to (so I guess Sam won't be getting makeup tips and dance lessons from pole dancers when she becomes a teenager). Elin does forfeit the right to detail her relationship with Tiger and the last few months of their marriage in any interviews or in a tell-all book so Tiger's got that going for him.

So for her husband cheating on her with a cavalcade of bimbos, waitresses, strippers, porn stars and escorts, plus public humiliation when these affairs were revealed to the world, Elin gains $750 million. That's probably much more than she expected to be worth when she began her career as a nanny in Sweden all those years ago.

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