June 15, 2010

Just call it the Texas Rules Conference

Here's what it took to get Texas to stay in the Big 12:

Chase off Nebraska and Colorado, the two strongest teams in the north.

Essentially eliminate the conference championship game.

Strike a new television deal that gives Texas more than an equal share of the revenue.

Allow Texas to start their own television network.

When it comes time to negotiate my contracts going forward, I really wish I could hire DeLoss Dodds to do it for me. The Big 12 now is essentially a 10-team Texas invitational when it comes to football. The annual Texas-Oklahoma Red River Shootout game in early October is now essentially the conference championship with the game's winner needing only to beat a bunch of significantly weaker opponents to win the crown.

Texas essentially put themselves at a greatest competitive advantage than its nine league partners but gaining even more money while weakening their competition and making it easier for them to win the conference. I can't see the other schools happily living under these rules for long. If I'm Missouri and Kansas, I'm making sure the Big 10 and Big East know that I'm still available.

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