April 3, 2010

Taking notes: Duke-West Virginia

Here's what I learned from Duke's trashing of West Virginia:

The blogs will be buzzing tomorrow over Bob Huggins' daughters, who were shown a couple of times in the final moments of the game.

Huggins' interaction with a fallen Da'Sean Butler will be one of the images I most remember from the tournament. And I really feel for Butler, a senior who was West Virginia's new Mr. Clutch this season, following in the footsteps of the original Mountaineer Mr. Clutch, Jerry West. I hope it isn't an ACL tear but that was my first thought when I saw it.

Apparently CBS executives issued a memo that the announcers are allowed to praise Huggins but cannot mention the pitiful graduation rates he has had throughout his career, most notably during his tenure at Cincinnati. Nor can they acknowledge the circumstances under which he left Cincinnati. One can only hope that is changing in Morgantown.

The most underrated aspect of Duke? Their toughness. Brian Zoubek is a tough rebounder now. Jon Scheyer is a tough player. So is Kyle Singler. So is Nolan Smith. They play tough and they are mentally tough. I was really impressed with the way Singler bounced back from his albatross of a showing against Baylor in the regional final last Sunday. He clearly didn't let it bother him at all.

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